Saludos Gente Hermosa! Muchas cosas han pasado, unas buenas y otras no tan buenas. Pero seguimos hacia adelante confiando en Dios que nos cuida y vela por nosotros. Hace mucho no hacía post pero no los olvido nunca. A mí me encanta estar en el blog y compartir con cada uno de ustedes!..Ya tengo otra nieta, cuido a una de ellas y estoy igual a ustedes usando el cubre bocas...desinfectando y alejada un poco de los seres que amo, precisamente por eso, porque los amo...Cuidesen mucho, yo sé que todo esto pasará!!
Living Day to Day
Hi Beautiful people! Many things have happened, some good and others not so. But we keep looking forward trusting in God who cares and watches over us. I love being on the blog and sharing with each of you! ... I already have another granddaughter, I take care of one of them and I am just like you using the mouth cover ... disinfecting and distanced a little from the people that I love , precisely because of that, because I love them ... Take care, I know that all of this will finished !!... last granddaughter
My daughter Nia and my second granddaughter
My first granddaughter Nani
She looks much like me when I was litle ...
Nia, Nayla and Me
My son Isaac
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